Hazel’s Soapery Spa-Light is honored to have Tonya Cross, Accented Glory, share with us 4 Tips for a Healthy Scalp. Thank you, Tonya, for sharing your expertise with us.

My Facebook, Tonya Cross, group Accented Glory Naturals hosted a healthy scalp challenge! A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair. Like a vegetable garden needs good soil to produce good crops; a healthy scalp yields healthy hair.

Properly caring for your scalp can also be beneficial for your overall health. Scalp care is relaxing and relieves tension. Here are 4 questions from the healthy scalp challenge. I answered them for our group members relating to scalp care and growing healthy hair!

Inspirit Arts Head Wrap
Inspirit Arts Head Wrap
Doesn’t my scalp get washed when I wash my hair?

No. Shampooing your scalp loosens flakes/dead skin and removes oil/dirt from your scalp. Removing these barriers facilitates healthy hair growth. To shampoo your scalp, apply shampoo to your scalp and roots of your hair. Use your fingertips (not nails) to wash your scalp by moving your fingers in a circular motion. Then rinse the shampoo from your scalp and roots of your hair.

For more information on how to clean your scalp, click here!

I’ve heard of exfoliating my face, but how do I exfoliate my scalp?

Your scalp is skin too, so the technique to exfoliate your scalp is very similar. Also, exfoliating your scalp goes a step further than shampooing. It removes toxins and product build up. Removing the toxins and buildup creates an environment for healthy hair growth. You massage exfoliate into your scalp with your fingertips in a circular motion. Much like shampooing your scalp. Once you’re done exfoliating your entire scalp, you rinse out the exfoliate.

For a DIY brown sugar exfoliate recipe for naturals, click here!

What are the benefits of massaging my scalp?

Massaging your scalp increases blood circulation which promotes hair growth. Who doesn’t like a good massage? Trust me, your scalp is going to love it as well! You should use the same technique mentioned before. Rotate your fingertips in a circular motion on your scalp. You can also use a soft bristle toothbrush to massage your scalp using the same circular motion.

Click here to learn other scalp massage techniques.

My head sweats a lot when I wear head wraps, is this bad for my scalp?

When wearing hair accessories, it’s important to allow your scalp to breathe. If your head sweats a lot you should choose lightweight breathable (loose weave) fabrics to wrap your hair with. These fabrics allow airflow to your scalp and keep it cool. Fungus and bacteria thrive in warm moist conditions! This is a problem you definitely want to avoid. Open weave headwraps like Inspirit Arts sheer head wraps are a better choice. Especially during warmer months. Inspirit Arts handwoven head wraps are lightweight and large enough to create beautiful head wrap styles with.

Inspirit Arts Head Wraps can be purchased at Accented Glory’s online store here

Healthy hair is good hair! One of the ways to grow healthy hair is to make sure you take proper care of your scalp. Caring for your scalp can also relieve tension in your forehead, head, and neck. This means a more refreshed you!

To join my natural hair Facebook group, that focuses on natural hair care, news, culture, and business click here!

For more advice on styling with hair accessories, purchase my styling e-guide here!

4 Tips for a Healthy Scalp Tonya
Hazel’s Soapery Spa-Light Guest:
Tonya Cross,
Accented Glory Naturals

Tonya Cross – Accessory Designer

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Website – www.accentedglroy.com

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