Good Day Everyone, I hope this post finds you all in the best of health. This is one of the first post that Hazel’s Soapery will be doing called, Season of Self-Care. Where we will find a quote, information or even a joke that will help you to remember to take a moment for Self Care. My first featured quote is from Izey Victoria Odiase. Let us take a brief moment to introduce her, after that we will jump right into Self-Care.

Who is Izey Odiase?
Izey Odiase is a Website Designer, Digital Online Marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Specialist in Las Vegas, NV. She is passionate about making a digital imprint in the lives of achievers and goal seekers. *excerpted for her About page
I found Ms. Odiase’s page and subsequent quote as I scoured the internet. Surprisingly looking for more information on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and NOT Self-Care. Ironically the two happened to come together on her page. You have to love it when a woman is tech savvy, young and is aware of the need to take care of herself. Most importantly, willing to share her information with others.
One thing as people we often do, is put aside little pieces of ourselves. Certainly in some way, we all do this in many areas of our lives. Often times, not being aware that sometimes we are not only giving of our time and space. But most importantly our Inner Peace. However, it is important to recognize that we all need to take a moment for ourselves where we can restore our Inner Peace and center ourselves. Which is why Season of Self-Care – Izey Odiase is our first post. Her quote reminds us that no matter how much we want to do for others. Above all, it is essential to also make ourselves a priority.

Well there you have it. Season of Self-Care – Izey Odiase quote.
Featuring our My People Cleansing Bar and Artwork by our 14 year old budding artist & business partner. We hope you enjoy.
Lastly, we would like to know. What are some ways you protect your Inner Peace?