I can not let today get by without acknowledging that today is my Grandmother’s Birthday. She was all about her birthday and just in case she is in charge of the lightning bolts in Heaven, I’m saying Happy Birthday.

You are probably wondering why acknowledge her here? It’s really simple, she has so much to do with the reason that I can provide the amazing skin essentials to you.

My love for the alchemy of mixing mostly natural ingredients to make a wonderful bath soak or body butter is a direct influence of watching her mix concoctions as I grew up. While she did not make soap, all you had to do was tell her what was wrong and she would come out with a little mix of something wonderful.

You see, when I sit to create I add in a little bit of science, nature, creativity and most importantly love. It makes me more conscious and considerate of what I am presenting to you for you and your family. It makes me intentional about being certain that what I send to you is something that I am using on myself and my family.

My Grandmother always served as part of my moral compass. For a long time, I thought that after her leaving that I had lost that piece. However as time has gone on and I have continued to build Hazel’s Soapery, I see it in the work that I do here. I see it and feel it and it doesn’t allow me to cut corners or skip steps in my formulations. The lessons she taught me are there when I consider what to combine for an intended result. We cooked together often and there are times when I am making a new soap or balm that feel just like I did when we were in the kitchen together. She helps me to give you my best at all times. Because as a role model she always gave her best and would not be satisfied if I gave any less. Her lessons push me daily to make sure that Hazel’s Soapery is a high-quality skin essential line that you can trust from my family to yours.

PS Did I forget to mention that she was an entrepreneur in the 1940’s? How cool is that!

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