My journey to locing my hair was not very complicated. I did not go through a spiritual transformation nor did I decide to loc my hair for cosmetic purposes. However, after close to two years I am Loc Livin’ and Lovin’ It!
So, why loc my hair? It was simply the healthiest decision I could make with regards to being a better version of myself. Yes, I read all the blogs and watched a myriard of YouTube videos. A lot of them proved to be helpful, although not in the way the creator might have intended. There is a lot of great information out there about locs and some wonderful locticians available to answer questions if you are considering locing your hair.
One of my favorite go to resources is Kelly Clark out of the Atlanta area. She is the owner of Sistah Twistas Natural Hair Salon. She is a long time friend and Sorority Sister. Most importantly, she is passionate about natural healthy hair. Now you know when it comes to hair, you have to trust your stylist like you trust your babysitter. She is someone who I would consult, knowing she wouldn’t tell me anything that wasn’t going to work for my hair specifically.

Going back to my statement above, ” although not in the way the creator might have intended”. I want to explain a little more. When watching videos I had several questions. What are starter locs? Will my hair stay loc’d? What are the budding and teen stage of locs? When will my hair actually be fully loc’d? Then of course, there were a million more. How often do you wash your locs? What types of product will help my locs stay?
The last question, what types of products? I stopped and thought on this for a moment. I have never been the type of person who uses a lot of products on my relaxed or loose natural hair. Except for my Jheri Curl phase and we are just going to skip right on past that. Neither my hair nor scalp respond well to heavy products or manipulation for that matter.
I’m a pretty simple woman when it comes to skin care, hair care, medicines and all. I didn’t want this new leg of my journey to alter the path that I am on. So I knew early on that I wouldn’t retwist much (I think I’ve done it 4 times in almost 2 years). Also I would not add a lot of extra holding products. chemicals or anything else to my hair.
In trying to stay as low maintenance as possible I ended up creating Refresh My Hair Shampoo Bar (Which works on ALL HAIR types), and I created a DIY Hair Mask and DIY Anti-Itch Spray (Because the itch can get real). Other than that I don’t do much to them.
So why do I love my Locs? I feel like the represent me and this stage of my life really well. They fit my lifestyle and reflect the goals I want to obtain even within Hazel’s Soapery. They are strong, beautiful and resilient and I don’t know when my hair has been healthier. Finally, they really don’t require a lot of maintenance, unless you want them to.

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So know you know a little more about me. If you are considering to loc or not to loc I hope this helps. Me. I’m Loc Livin’ and Lovin’ It. Let me know if you have any questions. Also reach out to your locticians. If you are in the ATL you already know who I recommend.
Are you considering locing your hair? Are you loc’d now? What has your experience been like?
PS Incase you don’t know. The lovely lady on the top/cover post is the beautiful, talented and natural Lisa Bonet. Give credit where credit is due.
Haha what stage comes after the elder stage? Cause that’s where I am headed. ^_^
Do people ever call you Rasta or ask if by keeping your hair you are making a statement?
Granpa stage I guess LOL
I have been asked if I am trying to make a statement. My response is moreso I’m trying to undo a statement. I have a post up about using clinical strength deodorant and the effects it had on my body.
As I began to research ingredients used in deodorants, it led me to cutting off my relaxed hair and going natural. When I went natural I needed products, I didn’t want what was in most store bought, so I did what my Grandmother (Hazel) would do and headed to the kitchen. Research led me to soap making. The rest is history.
So I rarely get am I a rasta. I get more if Im trying to make a statement and I am. That in learning how to take care of my body and my hair naturally I have learned to be a healthier person. What my hair naturally needs to grow and be healthy comes from God and is mostly of the earth. There are plenty who are making other statements especially in the US and I support that. There are Rastas as well and those that are purely sporting locs for fashion. But those are my reasons. Coolest thing is creating products has given me such a better understanding of nature and how connected to nature we actually should be. Trying to do it any other way was not a good choice for my health or Spirit.