Hazels Soapery at a Show 2019
Hazels Soapery Soapies
Order online at Hazel’s Soapery
until we can safely meet.

There are so many opinions floating around regarding how to proceed as a country. So much confusion on where we are with regards to testing and safety and so much more. I wanted to start my day sharing thoughts of a small business owner, based off a qoute I heard. Dr. Ebony Hilton made it really simple for me to understand when she stated, “BIOLOGY will ALWAYS WIN!”

I’m a small business owner. My shows and events that I had planned for the Spring and Summer have been cancelled or delayed. My income has been adversly effected. However, I will keep pushing in the safest way possible for you and I.

Eds All Ourpose Seasoning and Hazels Soapery
We miss bonding with
Ed’s All Purpose Seasoning
and other vendors

But here is what is important, I am by God’s Grace alive and healthy and able to figure out another way. Thankfully, I have a website available to customers who wish to make purchases. Truth is, I have no business if my customers are no longer here. If I am no longer here. Hard times go away, death does not.

As a business owner, I am ok with businesses remaining closed if it means the workers are safer. If it means customers have less risk of being infected. Therefore, As a small business owner (Let me correct that, as a micro-business owner) I will always choose HEALTH over WEALTH.

Hazels Soapery Misses our Hub City Farmers Market Family
We Miss Our Friends and Familes From
The Hub City Farmer’s Market.
Shop here for your Skin Essentials.

I pray that each of you are taking the proper precaustions if and when you have to go out. My heart goes out to the families who have either been sick or lost a loved one. The Girls and I miss seeing many of you at events that we have done for years and interacting with you and your families. I pray that I see each of you again soon and ONLY when it is safe for all of us. My prayers of coverage of good health go out to each and everyone of you.

International Kite Festival
Can’t wait to see you at the
International Kite Festival
Need Beard Care
Available on our website

Regardless of if you want to open the country or not, I am glad you are here to have an opinion. Healthy enough to voice your opinion, in these days that is a blessing. Above all, I wish you all health and peace.

Lastly, dont forget to take care yourselves. It is still imperative to remember you need “A Little Self-Care Everyday”.

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