Hazel’s Soapery Shares Exciting News

Good Day Everyone!

Just wanted to take a few moments of your time to share some exciting news with you.

As some of you already know, Hazel’s Soapery is now a full-time venture. I recently had a change of employment that has allowed me to dedicate full-time hours to Hazel’s Soapery.

Yes, this is both scary and exciting at the same time. As I come upon the two-week mark I have not made $1,000,000.00 os of yet. However, I am confident, more like Faithful that my Greater is Coming.

What have I learned in the last two weeks?
1) My dreams will give me ideas at the weirdest hours (usually around the three am mark), that wake me and have caused me to sleep with a pen and pad on the pillow next to me.

2) I asked for this change in my heart, now that I have it I have to work it! It did not happen on my time or how I wanted but its here so time to make it work.

3) God is faithful and will not put more on me than I can handle, even though the bills have not got the memo.

4) It is really awesome to wake up in the morning with a smile, get the girls on the bus and ponder where I will work from for the day. So far Barnes and Nobles and the Library have been my go-to spots. However Panera opens earlier, so they will get a visit also.

5) I CAN NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU! While gaining new customers is always part of the daily plan, retaining each of you is equally if not more important. Of course, I love when that means a new order. However, you can also help me support this dream into reality journey by sharing your experience with your friends and family. Think about if you have 100 FB or OG Friends that is another 100 people who have the opportunity to experience the same great Spa Bar or Whipped Splendor Body Butter as you. Also, it’s Free! While you might not know it that one little share would mean the world to me. So please take a few moments out your day to share my website www.hazelssoapery.com to stop by one of my social media pages on FB or IG or Twitter and leave a review or comment.

I can use all the support that you can give. In return, I can continue to make the wonderful products that you have come to love.

I’ve made some updates to the site that will make future purchases easier the first being you can check out on the site, no more having to exit to PayPal, including a Venmo Option on mobile devices. The second being that shipping in now FREE even for local purchases! Stay tuned because there will be more to come!

I believe and I thank God for this opportunity, just like I thank Him for each of you!

Have a wonderful Monday and I’ll be talking to you again soon.


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